Unit conversion

The interactive conversion program supports the following conversions:
  • Length
  • Square measure
  • Weight
  • Volume
  • Liquid volume
  • Dry volume
  • Temperature

  • List of unit conversions


    cm 10 mm
    m 100 cm
    mil 0.0254 mm
    line 100 mil
    inch 10 lines
    foot 12 inches
    yard 3 feets
    fathom 2 yards
    chain 11 fathoms
    furlong 10 chains
    statue mile 8 furlongs
    London mile 5000 feets
    nautic mile (GrB) 6080 feets
    nautic mile (Int) 1852 m

    Square measure

    square meter 10000 sq. cm
    square km 1000000 sq. m
    square inch 6.452 sq. cm
    square foot 144 sq. in.
    square yard 9 sq. yd.
    rood 1210 sq. yd.
    acre 4 roods
    yard of land 30 acres
    hide of land 100 acres
    square mile 640 acres
    are 100 sq. m
    hectare 100 are


    kg 1000 grams
    metric ton 1000 kg
    dram 1.773 g
    ounce 16 drams
    pound 16 ounces
    stone 14 pounds
    quarter 28 pounds
    cental 100 pounds
    hundredweight 4 quarters
    short ton 20 centals
    long ton 20 hundredweight


    cl 10 ml
    dl 10 cl
    litre 10 dl
    cubic cm 1 ml
    cubic dm 1 dl
    cubic m 1000 dm
    cubic inch 16.387 cubic cm
    cubic foot 1728 cubic feet
    cubic yard 27 cubic yards
    fluid ounce 30 ml
    tea spoon 10 ml
    table spoon 15 ml
    cup 4 table spoons
    shipping ton 40 cubic feet
    register ton 100 cubic feet

    Liquid volume

    pint 0.568 l
    gill 1/4 pint
    quart 2 pints
    Imperial gallon 8 pints
    barrel (eng) 36 Imperial gallons
    US gallon 3.79 l
    barrel (am) 158.8 l

    Dry volume

    dry pint 0.473 l
    dry quart 2 pints
    dry gallon 4 quarts
    Imperial gallon 4.55 l
    peck 2 Imperial gallons
    bushel (eng) 4 pecks
    barrel (eng) 18 pecks
    quarter (eng) 8 bushels
    bushel (am) 35.24 l
    barrel (am) 119.2 l
    quarter (am) 242 l


    kelvin (K) C - 273.25
    celcius (C) 273.15 + K
    reaumurs (R) 4/5 * C
    farenheit (F) (C * 9/5) + 32

    Ola Mårtensson: http://www.df.lth.se/~ola, ola@df.lth.se
    Emma Fernlund: http://www.df.lth.se/~thanisa, thanisa@df.lth.se

    (Time-stamp: <1998-02-28 11:34:21 thanisa>)