SWEDEN.TXT ---------- TeleNova COMAL 2.1 Error messages in Swedish F|r l}ng rad Line too long Otill}tet tecken Unallowed character Otill}tet radnummer Unallowed line number Stacken full Stack full Variabel& Variable... )& )... Indexfel Index error Operand& Operand Typfel Type error Syntaxfel Syntax error Fel i konstant Error in constant Namnet f|r l}ngt Name too long "& "... (& (... ,& ,... :=& :=... :& :... OF& OF... TO& TO... Namn& Name... Otill}tet kommando Unallowed command Ej implementerad Not implemented Rekursion Recursion Minnet fullt Memory full F|r m}nga variabler Too many variables F|r h|gt v{rde Value too large Namnet finns ej The name does not exist Str{ngen f|r l}ng String too long f|rv{ntas expected EOF ERRSVE.TXT ---------- TeleNova COMAL 2.1 Error message (in Swedish) Felaktigt f|rs|k till omnumrering Incorrect attempt to renumber Felaktig anv{ndning av RETURN Incorrect of RETURN CON ej till}tet CON not allowed Fel i programstrukturen Error in program structure NEXT, UNTIL, ENDPROC osv saknas NEXT, UNTIL, ENDPROC etc. missing G}r ej att g|ra LOAD p} fil som inte {r skapad med SAVE You can't LOAD a file that isn't created with SAVE Funktionen {r ej implementerad i denna COMAL The function is not implemented in this COMAL Systemfel System error Skriv en felrapport Write a bug report L{mna den till din leverant|r Give it to your vendor ESCAPE ESCAPE Otill}tet heltalsv{rde Unallowed integer value -32768 <= heltal <= 32767 -32768 <= integer <= 32767 Logaritmen av negativt tal eller noll {r matematiskt odefinierad The logarithm of a negative number or zero is mathematically undefined G}r ej att dra kvadratroten ur ett negativt tal You can't calculate the square root of a negative number G}r ej att dividera med noll It is impossible to divide by zero STEP = 0 STEP = 0 Resultatet f|r stort The result is to large Otill}tet v{rde i INPUT FILE Unallowed value in INPUT FILE Programmet f|r stort The program is too large Dela t.ex upp i externa procedurer Split it into external procedures Typkonflikt Type conflict Variabel har inget v{rde The variable has no value Namnet redan anv{nt Name already used Parameter ej i |verensst{mmelse med PROC/FUNC deklaration Parameter does not match PROC/FUNC declaration Funktionen {r odefinierad f|r angivet argument The function is undefined for the supplied argument Otill}ten filidentifierare Unallowed file descriptor Otill}tet hopp Unallowed jump Slut p} v{rden i DATA-satserna Out of DATA error Fel i INPUT&wDen externa PROCeduren {r ej CLOSED Error in INPUT&wThe external PROCedure is not CLOSED Index utanf|r gr{nserna eller felaktig delstr{ng Index out of bounds or incorrect substring Felaktig Incorrect USING - str{ng USING - string PROCeduren saknas i angivet OBJECT-paket The PROCedure is missing in OBJECT-package Angivet OBJECT-paket {r ej laddat OBJECT-package not loaded Det finns inga OBJECT-paket laddade No OBJECT-packages are loaded OBJECT-proceduren har ej utf|rts korrekt The OBJECT-procedure has been incorrectly (implemented?) OBJECT-deklarationen har f|r m}nga parametrar The OBJECT-declaration has too many parameters Textstr{ng f|r l}ng String too long G}r ej att tilldela en funktion ett v{rde You cannot assign a value to a function End of File End of File Filen slut, finns inget v{rde att l{sa End of file, there is no value to read Skrivaren ej klar Printer not ready Kolla att den {r On-line Check that it is on line Otill}ten operation Forbidden operation Diskettfel (Floppy)disk error Fysiskt fel p} disketten t ex paritetsfel Physical error on the floppy disk, e.g. parity error Timeout p} skivenheten Drive timed out Diskettenheten avst{ngd Floppy drive is off Disketten {r utbytt The floppy has been changed G|r ett MOUNT-kommando Execute MOUNT Disketten {r skrivskyddad The floppy is write-protected (Klisterlapp) (The write protection tab) Skrivaren avst{ngd eller ej inkopplad The printer is shut down or not connected Fel i filnamn, inneh}ller t ex otill}tna tecken Error in file name, contains characters that are not allowed Filen finns redan p} skivan The file already exists (on the disk) Filen finns ej p} skivan The file does not exist (on the disk) Skivan {r full Disk full Filen {r skrivskyddad The file is write-protected Filattribut = R/O File attribute = R/O Filen ej |ppnad eller redan |ppnad The file is not opened or already opened F|rs|k att skriva till skrivaren via flera filer samtidigt Attempt to print to the printer via multiple files Det finns |ppna filer p} enheten There are open files on the unit G|r CLOSE f|re skivbyte Execute CLOSE before changing disks Otill}tet postnummer Unallowed record number F}r ej vara <=0 eller st|rre {n filen Cannot be <=0 or or more than the (size of the) file End of Record End of Record G}r ej att skriva ut|ver poststorleken You cannot write beyond the record size Filen {r skrivskyddad The file is write-protected Filattribut = SYS File attribute = SYS Raden {r f|r l}ng The line is too long G}r ej att g|ra INPUT Cannot do INPUT Filen {r |ppen The file is open EOF FINDSVE.TXT ----------- COMPIS FIND Messages in Swedish FIND version 1.0 *** TeleNova (c) *** Skapad 860526 FIND version 1.0 *** TeleNova (c) *** Created 860526 Skriv: FIND filnamn.ext Write: FIND filename.ext (Usage: FIND filename.ext) FIND letar efter angiven fil p} alla anslutna stationer. FIND looks for supplied file name on all connected units. FIND rapporterar p} vilken skiva och FIND reports on which unit and i vilket biliotek filen/filerna existerar in which directory the file(s) exist Katalogen ej funnen! The directory was not found! Skall programmet avslutas? (j/n) Do you want to exit the program (y/n) *** PROGRAMMET AVSLUTAT! *** *** PROGRAM HAS EXITED! *** S|kningen avslutad! The search is done! EOF